We Make!

“Doing a good job” comes natural to us; travelling the world with all the products we manufacture, crossing borders has been part of our industrial culture.

We adapt the available production resources towards new global market opportunities, having an industrial ecosystem that allows us to provide a good service on location and tackle any type of manufacturing project.

This singularity has favoured the presence in our sector of large groups of companies such as Danobatgroup, Etxe-Tar Group, CIE GroupEgile Group, Grupo Mek, Maher Holding, Grupo Cometel o EPC Group and market leaders such as Orbea, ABC CompresoresJaz Zubiaurre, Masermic, Microdeco or AVS Added Value Solutions, among others, support our ability as manufacturers.

  • Asociación Industria 4.0
  • intraemprendiminento

We are manufacturers

The Lower Deba region is one of the hubs of industrial development in the Basque Country. The manufacture of weapons was its great specialisation for centuries, which laid the foundations for a wide variety of products and companies of all kinds.

The industrial diversification of the region would not have been possible without the knowledge and skills acquired over decades. Likewise, the entrepreneurial spirit of the inhabitants of the region has been crucial.

Guide to Companies

Guide to companies in Lower Deba. Debegesaa:
